Water Tank Size For 4 Bedroom House

Water Tank Size For 4 Bedroom House

In certain regions of the world,constant and organised water supply to households aren't provided by the state or government, leaving owners of houses with no choice but to provide themselves with personal boreholes, water pumps and disposal units; while some of us just prefer to have private water systems for unique reasons

Personally, i use a 2000 liter tank, you could imagine that it lasts us for a few days, 3 maybe. And yeah, its a rented apartment, the tank was pre-installed and it lasts for about a day and a half, meaning its quite short of what we require because we just don't enjoy pumping water into a water tank frequently; it takes a lot of money. So researches were made for you (previously for me ofcourse) on this subject, determining the selection of water storage tanks for each house.

Tanks traditionally have general sizes varying from 340 liters to 340000 liters. Regardless, sizes beyond these can be customized.

The needed sizes for your specific homes can be determined by the type of structure (of housing unit), the amount of individuals be catered for (considering one individual consumes about 135 liters per day) and an average of a three-day use factor ( i.e. the tank should be able to supply for three days without pumping to replace used water). You can even consider the material of the tank, it places into the factors a little bit; not as important but if you're willing to find out more about the best tank materials for your water storage tank by the way, there's a link to an article i wrote on that, it should be very helpful.

However, on choosing the best water tank sizes, here are the criteria with regards to the structure of housings

HOUSING SUB-UNITS ( trailers/camping vans/tour buses/tree houses) : 450 – 1000 liters

Housing sub units typically exist for recreational purposes or to help supplement comfort by creating a home-like environment, in exercising basic daily rituals, even when you are away from the conventional house.In other words it is a smaller house on wheels you move around with you when you are not in your real home.Such houses are required to have water supplies one way or another, No?


In most cases, storage tanks are pre-installed and sizes required vary from 450 liters to 1500 liters considering a number of 1 to 4 people maximum occupy such at a time.

A single person allegedly consumes a standard of about 140 liters per day, with other factors considered. Therefore, the previously mentioned ranges are ideal for this form of housing. Placement or positions of tanks vary with regards to company design or personal preference. That is,its either what they give you for price or what you customize it to be.

BUNGALOW/COTTAGE : 2000 – 3500 liters

Bungalows and Cottages are two of the smallest forms of conventional housing units you would find in the modern world today. Although with innovation, people can be very creative in constructing smaller housing units just like the ones we mentioned previously .Bungalows and Cottages can be regarded as two of the traditional pioneers of small housings in the modern world.


Bungalows and Cottages are similar in some regards as they are quite distinctive in design, outlook and heritage.Both are low profile types of housing originating partly from the intent of housing smaller families. A bungalow exists as a simple structure of less complex designs and a direct roof over the ground floor; with complete walls holding it in place. Unlike the cottage, which can be slightly complex; it is built with system which allows for another floor above the ground floor hence potentially accommodating more individuals , a little more than the a nuclear family.

The numbers are close but bungalows and cottages can easily house above 4 to 7 people ideally more or less, with tank size ranging from 2000 to 3000 liters.


These category of housings are quite different in structures, Although with regards to its mass and capacity to house a specific number of people; they are in the same bracket. These houses, although large in sizes typically do not contain more than what a bungalow or a cottage contains, it is just that those who inhibit the house happen to have more money at disposal or require more space within the house.A cohabitant range of 4 to 7 people are considered having you purchase within a 2000 – 3500 liter tank for water supply on a 3-day span.


FLAT/APARTMENT HOUSES : 3500 liters per flat

Flats / Apartments are known to be singular parts of a structural housing unit.They usually are conducive for living and offer basic amenities to be offered in a typical home. The full structural housing unit sometimes contain numerous flats / apartments at once for the purpose of either sales or rental.

Depending on its internal space, location and access to basic amenities, flats can contain a range of 2 to 10 people which in turn affects the required size of the tank for water supply.A singular flat averagely will require a size of 3500 liters for a 3 – day life span before tank is to be refilled.Depending on the total number of flats present in a single building, a total requirement for one flat is simply multiplied by number of flats present to give  maximum liters of tank needed for the whole building. Relax, we made an illustration below;


Considering the number of flats present in a building with other factors considered;

  • 1 – flat housing units equals 3500 liter tank
  • 2 – flat housing units equals 7000 liter tank
  • 3 – flat housing units equals 11000 liter tank
  • 4 – flat housing units equals 14000 liter tank
  • 5 – flat housing units equals 18000 liter tank
  • 6 – flat housing units equals 21000 liter tank

If preferred, tank sizes can be bought at once or can be shared into smaller same sizes to supply each flats separately or if you plan on managing or utilizing space, although this will attract an extra cost of running supplementary supply lines from different tanks.For example instead of buying in 7000 liter tank, you can purchase two of a 3500 liter tank to supply  each flat separately. Ofcourse with added cost and space to prevent friction between the two flats or you can just go along with the first one.

MANSION: 20,000 – 30,000 liters

Mansions are more or less one of the elite forms of housing within this modern era; they can cover from 6000 square feet to 23000 square feet of land size depending on personal preference of owner and design. Mansions are naturally complex with a host of extra housing features such as landscapes, multiple bathrooms, wine-cellars / private bars, five – car garage, gas pump, sauna etc. One way or the other, some of these features require water either for upkeep, maintenance or personal use. Which increases the average amount used by an individual.


According to researches, 200 liters per person was derived to be used within this particular condition.A mansion can house within the range of 10 to 50 people which is clearly outrageous but absolutely true. Therefore, the size of tank required would ideally be within 20,000 to 30,000 liter tank with water holding limit of three days minimum.

Water Tank Size For 4 Bedroom House

Source: https://plumbjoe.com/sizes-of-tank-required-for-houses/

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